Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Fall!

I know, I know, the official start of fall was last week. Today, however, is the first day of October, and to me October says fall. I've started on my daughter's Halloween costume. Last year saw 10 yards of tulle, I'm going to see if we can top it this year! I've bought my first mum of the season and who knows, today may have a pumpkin purchase tucked in somewhere! Last year I think we had 6 pumpkins, I'm going to see if we can top it this year!

With the fall season comes cooler weather, beautiful new colors and somewhat crazier animals. You know the ones! Especially squirrels, those little devils dart across the road on their search for tasty bits. For example one almost lost it's life this morning as I was taking my daughter to school. Who knows, if that squirrel had bothered to look more like a leaf I might have slowed down sooner or swerved more suddenly. As it stands we all made it out alive; it on the side of the road (I swear) chewing on some tasty bit, and my daughter and me in the car wondering what in the world just happened and why of all times is the thing choosing to eat now.

And now as a final thought... be nice out there. Nice matters. Nice always matters. In the car, on the sidewalk, in stores, and in gardens. We may not have to like people, what they do or how they act, but we can choose to be nice. And who knows being nice to that one person may set off some kind of chain.
And as a final final thought October is also breast cancer awareness month, so don't forget to get out there and support the women in your community. Run, walk, donate, wear pink as often as you can, get tested, encourage others to get tested, lend where you can, offer a shoulder where you can't lend.
Now, if you'll excuse me I'm off to enjoy the cool morning by looking for pumpkins!!